Space Cows
Difficulty: Medium

CS106B Winter 22-23 | Cumulative
In the year 2105, Jim the farmer claimed a substantial plot of land on the moon by deploying a special probe - one that automatically expands into a deluxe farming suite on the surface of any planet. Unfortunately, he began shipping cows from Earth to his plot of land, which was disallowed by a treaty published by the Convention Of Worlds (COW) in 2078. At this time, all farm animals on Earth are closely monitored by humane societies, but they do not have the capacity to add additional monitoring on the moon. Your job, as a spy on the reconnaissance mission for COW, is to sneak around the farmer’s base and record potential weak points. If you are successful, you will also deliver intel on the whereabouts and the status of the shipped cows. The farmer has strategically deployed motion-sensor turrets around the plot, so you must be prudent in your spy route.
Your stealth spacecraft reaches the moon and lands silently beside the base. With the new camouflage technology, you are undetected by the farmer’s security system. The cows! Shockingly, you can see the cows’ quarters through windows around the building. They are caged and hooked up to suspicious tubes of fluid - all while being constantly milked. The cow nearest to the window turns to you with soft eyes, and it turns back again with udder resignation. Screw the recon mission; you need to save these poor cuties. Draw out an escape plan, hijack the cows’ quarters, and free them from the farm!
Escape Route

Teams of 2 to 3

Stable Difficulty

Algorithmic thinking

Coding required
Each part will give you a puzzle that leads to a code. Use the code in the answer box to proceed.
No link: Use the answer to the puzzle as the code.

Virtual world link: Use the answer to the puzzle to find the code online.

Physical world link: Use the answer to the puzzle to find the code in the real-world room.